Jigs@w Puzzle News
Note: To update an edition you have (JP Entry, JP Animals, JP Mix...) you can download and install any Jigs@w Puzzle edition. You need not to uninstall an older version, only exit the game before installing the update.
April 7, 2017 - Version 2.51
We have released an update:
- Created puzzles are stored in better quality (monitor resolutions increased in the last years).
- Editions contain puzzles in better quality. Re-install your editions to get the better puzzles.
- Improved Windows 10 support.
December 01, 2011 - Jigs@w Puzzle 2 Mix III
Some of you have written to us, if we are not going to create a new edition. Others wanted to recommend a suitable edition as a Christmas present. And so we sat down and made a new edition. We went through several thousand images, and then have chosen the most beautiful 50. We have chosen those, which have a charm and sparkle. We also wanted the new edition to be very various. Finally, we calculated that in addition to flowers and animals you can find here puzzles from 20 countries and all seasons. As the new version out well, judge yourself.
October 03, 2011 - Version 2.41
- New languages: Chinese Simplified, Estonian, Finnish, Slovenian.
- Some little bugs were fixed.
May 19, 2009 - Version 2.38
- To rotate pieces it is possible to use also left and right arrow keys.
- It is not necessary already to drag a piece first to rotate
it (with mouse wheel and arrow keys).
Note: To rotate a piece with the right mouse button you need still to drag the piece. The right mouse button is reserved for a context menu in a future version of Jigs@w Puzzle. - Some little bugs were fixed.
December 16, 2008 - Version 2.37 and Jigs@w Puzzle 2 Platinum
New Platinum edition
You keep on asking what happened to the Platinum edition of Jigs@w Puzzle 1 (old version). Today I have both an answer and a story for you.
We had a plan The new version of the Platinum edition would be two times bigger and two times better than the previous one. We chose about
250 photographs and did a lot of fine selecting. In the end, a hundred photos should have been selected but things turned out differently and
all the better for you. A total of exactly 111 photos remained and no-one could set aside a single photo more. So we left things as they were.
Tereza (she's the one who deals with your emails) says that 111 is a lucky number. I don't believe much in numbers but I trust that you'll
like the new Platinum edition. The photographs are really good.
Pavel Valach (Developer)
New version - 2.37
- Unfinished games are saved for next playing in the exported (standalone) puzzle games.
- New languages: Arabic, Croatian, Japanese, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai.
- Support of languages requiring multi-byte characters.
- Windows Vista support improved.
- Some little bugs were fixed.
Download now (or download the Platinum edition to get the last version)
January 31, 2008 - Version 2.34
- Added a new check box in Options in the Store Room: "Always enable to rotate pieces"
- Added new setting in Options in the Play Room: "Tray Background". You can set color background of trays now.
- Fixed several little bugs.
December 13, 2007 - Version 2.33 And Two New Editions!
We have fixed some little bugs and two completely new editions have enriched our collection of editions:
Jigs@w Puzzle 2 Mix II
Many of you enjoy Mix edition. You like every puzzle to be a surprise and from a different part of the globe. There is a new Mix 2 edition just for you. The edition you cannot miss. Watch the list of countries from which the pictures are: Japan, India, Egypt, Greece, Great Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA. We have carefully chosen the most beautiful pictures and created 50 puzzles, you will definitely love.
Jigs@w Puzzle 2 Nature
We have prepared the very new Nature edition for those who love nature pictures. We have chosen 50 the most wonderful pictures of animals, plants and landscapes. All the pictures in true colors.
August 31, 2007 - Version 2.30
- Some little bugs were fixed.
- A problem with installing the game on some non-English MS Windows was fixed.
If you are satisfied with the version 2.28, you need not this update. Download now.
June 6, 2007 - Version 2.28
- New skin was added.
- Chinese and Icelandic translations of the user interface were added.
- German translation of the Help was added.
- Windows Vista 256x256 application icon was added.
- It is not possible to rotate pieces if it was not allowed ("Rotating") by a creator of a puzzle.
- Some little bugs were fixed.
We recommend you to download and install the last version.
February 1, 2007 - Version 2.26
Some bugs were fixed. If you are satisfied with the version 2.23, you need not this update. Download now.
December 19, 2006 - Jigs@w Puzzle 2 For Kids released
This edition is dedicated to your children. Your kids will love the funny pictures and easy solving. When the solving is too easy or too hard you can change the difficulty of every puzzle. The edition contains twenty-five puzzles.
Download now! [9.7 MB]
December 7, 2006 - Version 2.23 and Jigs@w Puzzle 2 Art released
From this version the program provides you the possibility to change the position of the ghost and set its opacity. Both options can be found in the Play Room->Menu->Tools->Options->Ghost.
We felt sorry for throwing out the Masters of Art edition and the Masters of Art - Impressionists edition, which were offered with the old version of Jigs@w Puzzle. Therefore we remade the puzzles of these edition in higher resolution and joined them to one edition:
Jigs@w Puzzle 2 Art
If you are interested in the edition, you can download it and try it out. Are you a registered user? Do not forget to buy the edition through the Order button in the Store Room. You will get the edition for a reduced price.
Note: We are preparing an edition for children.
October 31, 2006 - Version 2.20 released
This new version contains, besides some minor improvements, an entirely grand feature you called for:
Creating standalone games
Jigs@w Puzzle 2 allows you now to create and mail standalone small jigsaw puzzle games compiled from your puzzles. A receiver can play these games without having installed Jigs@w Puzzle 2. This feature enables you to share your puzzles with your friends. How to create such a game:
- In the Store Room select one or more puzzles.
- Choose Export... in the context menu of a puzzle.
- Set a name of the sent puzzle.
- Select the Executable (EXE file) format.
- Check "Set all puzzles as surprise" if you want the puzzle to be a surprise for a receiver.
- Click on the Save As... button.
- Save the file on your disk.
September 19, 2006 - Version 2.08 released
We added some languages, improved error reporting and fixed some little bugs. Download now.